Living With Lovingness

“It becomes a dark time when we lose faith in each other and thus lack courage.”

Chogyam Trungpa, Buddhist Teacher

This has been a tough couple of weeks. As a result of yesterday's outcome in DC, I know many people who feel that who they are, and their life story, does not matter. 

In the spirit of living with lovingness, I want to say that it does matter. 

It matters to most of us.

It matters more than you know.

You may be filled with despair, ready to distract yourself from the suffering, enraged, or simply in a state of disbelief. 

Feel your feelings. 

All of them. 

Part of the reason we are in the mess we are in is rooted in a culture that represses everything and everyone that does not “fit the ideal” of the elite, privileged ones.

I feel sick as I write that.

I am so sick of repression.

So feel all the feelings.

Know that you matter.

And then…. we live with lovingness. We step up for the work that is ahead of us.  It is time to put on the cloak of the warrior for the soul.  To stand for what we know to be true. To bring the “weapons” of the Shambhala warrior, insight and compassion, out into the world. The rise of the good, true, and beautiful feminine will not be silenced. This is a loving movement, but not without fierceness. 

It is time.

Time to take action. What is one loving action you can take toward yourself or another being on the earth today? I plan to plant blueberry bushes, and tell three friends how much I appreciate them. And I plan to walk into each room and place of business with an open heart this week.

It is time.

To live with lovingness

To be a warrior for Love.

Will you join me?
