Everything Deserves A Ritual


Everything deserves a ritual. Even a website. My old website served me well, to begin my practice and my presence in the virtual world, but now it is time for something more professional, more powerful and more up to date.

As I said goodbye to Weebly and hello to Squarespace I spent an hour slowly moving through my old site, remembering every photo and blog post and the courage it took for me to step out into the world in such a visible way. It was important for me to be known not just for my work as a social worker and counselor but also as a quest guide and a teacher. It was all very scary and vulnerable at the time. I have gotten used to seeing it, but have never promoted it and never spent the time making it really visible.

Now with the help of Jeanne Juneau and Louise Morgan, thanks to the generosity of my dear friend Eddie I have stepped into a whole new world of visibility. https://theodigogroup.com/ I am learning about things like tags, meta-data, alt-tags, and 301 redirects. Now when you google me, you can find me! Or you can just click on this link right here www.charleneray.com  Now isn’t that magic?!


As I looked one last time at the pages on my old outdated website, I offered gratitude for how it has served me. And I then looked at each page of the new site and I added descriptions and keywords to the new. I know this wonderful new website will take me to the next level of being seen in the world.

The ritual, to say good bye with gratitude and to open to the new, is complete. How many times does life ask us to do this process of leaving and arriving? What grace and gratitude do we bring to the task?

I would love to hear your stories of ritual. Every ending and beginning deserves one.